Oil & Gas Data Query
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Severance Query Criteria

Severance Reconnect Process
Enter your search criteria and click on Submit to view the results.
Search Criteria
Choose One:
Oil Lease No./Gas Well ID No:
Cert. Ltr. Issued By:
Cert. Ltr. Reason:
Certified Letter Date: Between      And   (MM/DD/YYYY)
Letter Date:
Between      And   (MM/DD/YYYY)
* Severance/Seal
Choose One: Current Historical Both
* Specifying "Outstanding All" will provide a list of all leases on which one or more outstanding issues exists. (For more information on what constitutes an outstanding issue, please see the help text).
* Specifying "All (Outstanding and Resolved)" will provide a list of all leases on which an issue ever existed, regardless of its current status.
* Specifying "Pre-Severance/Seal (Certified) Outstanding" will provide a list of leases on which a certified letter has been issued because of an issue, but a subsequent severance/seal order has not yet been issued.
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